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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

SCDAA HDQTRS Never Reported on Use of Santonio Holmes Gift and other donations

Part 7 of a 10 part series

The Sickle Cell Association of America, Inc headquartered in Baltimore has received donations and contributions to help people with the disease.  But a well placed source have said, "most of the money received has never gone to the people with the disease or the member organizations who serve those with the disease."

As an example, as reported by Pop City, when Steelers star Santonio Holmes discovered that his oldest child, Santonio III, had developed sickle cell anemia, he found the best doctors to treat him. The boy's health soon began improving. But as the months of medical appointments and daily medication wore on, Holmes began thinking about the many Pittsburgh families who struggle with this disease without the same financial resources his family enjoys. 

"My seven-year-old is doing a lot better. It is almost to the point of being controllable. He has to take medication every day and probably will for the rest of his life," says Holmes. "I know how expensive the medications and the hospital visits can be so one of our goals in establishing the foundation is to assist families that have been affected by the disease along with helping in the research to find a cure for SCD."

Holmes' fundraising for SCD began after he caught the game-winning touchdown against the Arizona Cardinals in Super Bowl XLIII (we're guessing you remember that moment). The gloves he wore in the game were auctioned for $70,200 and all proceeds went to The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America.

Where did the money go? Was there ever a public accounting and were member organizations informed of how the money was spent? Did the money go to the salary of the Acting CEO and Chief Operating Officer?

Did the money go towards those who have the disease? Was a scholarship set up in the name Santonio Holmes? Where is the money?

  The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc, has raised millions of dollars in recent years. But for the past two years under the leadership of Duane Bruce, they have not reported where the money goes. 

As an example, when Santonio Holmes caught the winning touchdown to win the Superbowl in 2009, he immediately announced that the gloves he wore for the catch would be auctioned off for SCDAA to help people with the disease. 

Santonio's young son has the disease. 

The gloves were on the Reebok website for two weeks and the bidding came down to two unidentified people bidding at the last minute-the amount raised was around $72,000

Black Rip Off Report: One has to wonder if Santonio ever received a report on how the money was used - the public sure didn't. 

Take a look at the SCDAA website. Do you see a 2008, IRS 990 or state charity financial report? If you do when was it placed on the website. As of today March 22, 2010. No report has been made and no report has been received by the Black Rip Off Report as requested.  

Maybe this SCDAA group does not understand Section 6-101(g) specifies the content of the disclosure statement. Each disclosure statement must include:
    (1) A statement that a copy of the current financial statement of the charitable organization is available on request; (2) The name of the charitable organization and the address and telephone number where requests for a copy of the financial statement should be directed; and
    (3) A statement that, for the cost of copies and postage, documents and information submitted under the Act are available from the Secretary of State.
I guess they are busy cooking the books at SCDAA. At this point there are serious questions about the ethical conduct by this charitable organization. 

Like in the case of the national office of SCLC, It's time time for complaints to be filed and investigations to begin.

Let's see if the SCDAA national board handles this like the SCLC national board did, before the newspapers, radio, and TV stations get a hold of this mess.

The Black Rip of Report will be the first in line, to file a complaint. Join us!

Our next report -----------> A review of SCDAA's attempts to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities, in violation of IRS Regulations.

Keep on checking back to this blog/website. The next three reports will blow your mind!  Don't forget to pass these reports on...


UPDATE:  Black Rip Off Report has been informed by reliable sources that additional citizen complaints have been made against SCDAA with federal agencies and a local state agencies ----> More Later.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stolen Laptop and Confidential Information at Sickle Cell HDQTRS

Part 6 of a 10 Part Series

As reported in a previous post, the Baltimore headquarters of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America had a number of computers stolen from it's national office, reliable sources indicate one of the computers was used by a number of staffers, including staffers involved in a Federally funded project involving confidential patient and family data. 

The computer may have contained names and sensitive health information about sickle cell patients and their families. Reliable sources indicate that sickle cell member organizations, police, HHS, NIH, nor the board of directors were informed that sensitive information could be on the computers. 

There is more, the stolen laptop may have had confidential information on sickle cell member organization financial reports and data.

Is no one at SCDAA concerned?
Why were SCDAA Member organizations not alerted?

The Board and it's Executive committee should have asked to see the police report, when it was reported by the CEO to them (if it ever was). It is part of their fiduciary responsibility. 

The Black Rip Off Report will be requesting a copy of the report from the city of Baltimore Police Department.

It is clear that the SCDAA Acting CEO and Chairman have failed to establish a strong 'tone at the top,' allowing property management problems to continue even after the first computer was reported stolen. 

Reliable sources indicate there was little or no improvement or accountability for lost and stolen property and their was a compromise of sensitive personal and SCDAA financial data. 

Our sources indicate former staff members who worked for SCDAA complained to the Acting CEO regarding the breach and thefts, and were ignored.

Black Rip Off Report: It's a shame that we have people dying because they can't get health care and then we get a report like this. 

Read more on SCDAA HERE 

ACORN group and national SCDAA group alike in many ways

As reported in the Washington Post by Lena H. Sun, the liberal political organizing group ACORN is on the verge of bankruptcy following a string of disclosures about mismanagement that caused funding to dry up, according to a source familiar with the organization.

Leaders of the embattled grass-roots group and their advisers have been discussing options for weeks as donors, including foundations and government entities, have cut back on funding, according to another source, who took part in talks about ACORN's future.

Pablo Eisenberg, a senior fellow at the Georgetown Public and Policy Institute, said ACORN leaders have told him of plans to file for bankruptcy and form a new entity to serve as a public policy link to local and state chapters "without the name of ACORN."

Eisenberg said he was asked to be a board member of the new group but has not been in touch with ACORN's leaders for about six weeks.

The group's plans to possibly file for bankruptcy were first reported in the New York Times

The community organizing group was embarrassed last fall after a video sting that showed ACORN housing counselors advising two young conservative activists -- posing as a pimp and prostitute -- how to conceal their criminal business.

The episode prompted Congress to vote to prohibit the federal government from funding ACORN. The U.S. Census Bureau ended its partnership with the group.

An ACORN spokesman on Saturday declined to comment on possible bankruptcy plans. Communications Director Kevin Whelan released a statement on behalf of ACORN's chief executive, Bertha Lewis:

Black Rip Off Report: The ACORN Association Board is meeting (by phone) this weekend and will be making some very tough decisions about the future of their organization. . . . One has to wonder if there is something in the water in the metro Washington/Baltimore area? Check out the video below based out of Baltimore, Maryland

Our sources report members of the Executive Committee, board members and and member organizations of the nonprofit charity, Sickle Cell Disease Association of America are regularly reviewing this website/blog to gain further information which Board Chairman,  Atty Duane Bruce and Acting CEO, Elizabeth Simpson refuse to provide regarding their own mismanagement, and misappropriation of Federal, private, and donated funds. 

Duane Bruce

Elizabeth Simpson, Acting CEO/COO

There have been complaints for sometime on these and other issues, but the chairman convinced the national board to "kill the messenger and the message," because this and other messages where sent in what the Chairman considered a crude or politically incorrect manner. OK Mr. chairman, Elizabeth Simpson wont be the first black woman charged with mismanagement and misappropriation on funds. There are many others who have done the same thing.

Like ACORN the SCDAA will be making some very tough decisions about the future of their organization, following a string of disclosures about mismanagement that may cause funding to dry up from Novartis pharmaceuticals, the National Institute of Health and, all of whom are questioning their relationship with SCDAA at this time.

It's too bad that groups like ACORN, and SCDAA don't address mismanagement, misappropriation of funds when it's reported, before funding dries up. Maybe the should follow the SCLC.

Read more about SCDAA below:
 National Office of SCDAA - Sickle Cell Pimps

    SCDAA Charity Rip Off